There are several opinions about the origin of the name of
the city of Demak, including:
Prof. Hamka Demak interpret the word comes from the Arabic
"dama" which means spring water. Furthermore, the authors also
explain that Sholihin Salam Demak taken from the Arabic word "dzimaa
in" which means anything that contains water (marshes). A fact that the
area of Demak was a lot of water; Because of the large marshes and brackish
ground so many dam (pond) or countryman lake where water collected. Note:
delamak from Sanskrit word meaning swamp.
According to Prof. Slamet Mulyono, Demak derived from
ancient Javanese language "Damak", which means grace. Bintoro Earth
at that time by King Kertabhumi UB V conferred upon his son R. Broken on earth
fragrance reed former forest. Etymological basis is the Book Kekawin Ramayana
which reads "Wineh Demak Kapwo Yotho Karamanyo".
Derived from the Arabic "dummu" which means tears.
It is described as kesusahpayahan Muslims and preachers in broadcasting and
developing Islamic religion then. So the preachers and preachers should be much
concerned, diligent and always crying (munajat) to God pleading for help and
protection and strength.
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